Friday, September 10, 2010

Additional Safety

Whether it is for business or pleasure, you will see
that more and more women are now traveling all over
the world. Although this may seem like a good thing,
you have to remember that in other parts of the world,
women are viewed as weak and are unable to defend
themselves. This is why you have to remember that when
traveling, safety first should always be on top of
other things.

So, here are some tips that women can use in order to
have a much more enjoyable and also much safer trip
whenever they travel abroad.

The first tip is that you should always do your
research first on the country you plan on traveling
to. You have to remember that not all countries are
the same in regards to culture. Some countries are
culturally conservative and will have dress codes that
everyone should follow. Always familiarize yourself on
the laws and customs of the place you wish to go to.
Remember that ignorance of the law excuses no one even
if you are a tourist.

A very good example would be Saudi Arabia. If you
travel here, you have to remember that tourists here
and even women were apprehended by the police for
improper dresses. You have to remember that Islamic
nations tend to be very conservative especially around
women. So, never ever do obscene postures when
traveling to unknown places. In fact, in some
countries, it is even illegal to invite people of the
opposite sex in your hotel room. And, only married
couples are allowed to stay in the same hotel room.

Although fashion may always be important for you as it
really does make a statement, you have to remember
that what may be casual wear for you may be seen as
provocative or inappropriate in other countries.
Always remember that you can never go wrong with jeans
and t-shirt that covers most of your body. Also, these
clothes are better option than skirts if you need to
run or defend yourself.

Whenever traveling, it is always a good idea to blend
in with the public. Try buying a local dress and wear
it to give other people the impression that you are a
local and is familiar with the country.

If you want a more secure way whenever you are getting
around the country, always arm yourself. Today, you
will see a lot of safety devices available for sale in
the market and can be brought along legally. An
example would be pepper sprays, where if sprayed on
the assailant's face, it will temporarily blind them
and also disable them for 5 to 6 minutes, which is
enough for you to run away and get help. You can also
try getting a stun gun which has an electrostatic
voltage charge. This safety device will indeed give
your assailant a shock of his or her life and weaken
their muscles.

Whenever traveling in unfamiliar surroundings, always
be alert. It is recommended that you should never
carry your wallet in your back pocket. Always carry it
in the front or side pockets and keep your hands in
there. You have to remember that some places are
notorious for pickpockets and there are even places
where children working with adults can slash your
pants with a blade and get the contents of that
pocket. Always be cautious.

These are some of the safety tips that you should
remember whenever you travel. You have to remember
that as a woman, you will be much more vulnerable to
attacks. By always planning ahead, you can be sure
that you will be able to have a more enjoyable
vacation. Whenever you plan your holiday, you need to
remember that safety should always be first when

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Is traveling dangerous?

It is quite inherent that in any kind of travel that a person
does, danger is always just around the corner yes, traveling entails a lot of risks but there are ways on how to prevent these kinds of unwanted situations just
by following simple safety first tips when traveling especially if you're just a student.

As a student traveling far away from home, you have to consider a lot of precautions like:

* Street crimes may vary in forms but the motive will still be the same. Even if you came from another country and have lived your life in a big city, you
will still be startled on how crimes are made in other places.

* If you came from a small town and it will be your first time to enter the big city, keep your faith strong for there are a lot of people living in the
biggest cities with the littlest of hearts and frail interest.

* If you're going to some place where people can't speak your tongue, you should've had even the slightest background of the place's dialect or language so that you can easily get help.

As you plan your travel, make sure that you are aware of the different travel warnings and not considering the places where Americans are not safe to go. You can also register to the US Embassy of the country where you're at just in case anything bad will happen, your country will know where to find you.

At the point of traveling alone in a stranger's place, it's advisable to stay safe. You can do the following:

* Apply the safety precautions that you have at home. Think of your new place as danger prone times two. But these precautions should not hinder your chances of enjoying your stay. Just avoid walking along dark and empty streets. As much as possible stash your money in places where thieves dare not search. Stay alert at
all times.

* If you're boarding a plane or crossing a boarder, never let yourself carry the items of others even if you know that person very well. You can't plead "not guilty" if inspectors have proven that what you're carrying are illegal drugs or explosives.

* Know about the important laws of the place you're going to. There are certain places where bribery is beginning to become a livelihood for some public
officials wherein, to literally go about safely around town, you have to give a bigger amount. In these places, your rights can be very thin.

* Pay attention to your luggage. Never let it out of your sight. There are scenarios that goes "one minute it's there, the other minute it's gone. In countries
where poverty is their main problem, it would help at least 10 families to live through cold nights with that luggage of yours.

* be very careful when riding trains and taxis. You can easily get lost most especially if the taxi driver doesn't get what you're saying. You'll just go around
in circles. Worst, it can cost you so much.

Point is: preparation and knowledge will keep you safe in all your journeys. You can go in a place where you'll really enjoy every moment that you're there and
in another where you'll curse all the way out. Tool is, as a student, you must always be aware of the safety first practices when traveling outside your place.

Monday, September 6, 2010

There is a big difference between traveling with an adult and traveling with children.

Even if you have toddlers or an infant with you, it is a special specification that adults accompanying their children must observe safety first when traveling. There are numerous ways to make traveling for you and your child safer. Here are seven:

1. Maintain seatbelts or restraints at all times. Naughtiness can become one reason for your child to get hurt and cause one to another. Your child can move all he want as long as his seatbelt or restraint are firmly attached to their bodies. Furthermore, turbulence can go without warning.

2. Keep your child's essentials inside your hand carry bag. You can survive every ounce of tantrums when you keep in your bag a handful of useful merchandise like diapers, food and medicine. If you have an infant, you can bring in two bottles of milk.

3. Position you child away from the aisle. It would be more appropriate to sit him in between two adults. If you don't like being seated along the aisle, for your
child's sake, sacrifice. Children love exploring and reaching out things. They can get hurt unknowingly when their little arms and hands get bumped by walking people or by the serving cart. You can also sit him at one corner beside the windows.

4. Bring toys. Make sure these are not deadly ones. Toys can serve as perfect modalities to catch your child's attention and refrain him or her from making
unnecessary noises and activities. Never bring toys that can hurt, easily break or is heavy. Electronic games can only be used while the plane is cruising.

5. Control your child. It is your responsibility to control your child's behavior while inside the plane. The flight attendant is never responsible for the supervision of your child. You don't pay them to become baby sitters. As much as possible, don't fall asleep during the flight. Children take this opportunity to wander around the plane and eventually get lost. You also have to be careful when walking around the plane with your child for he might reach hot cups of coffee or silverware.

6. Upon the deployment of oxygen masks, put yours first. Contrary to what most parents would think, it is much advisable to put an adult's mask first before their child. Why? for practical reasons. There would be a greater chance of saving both your lives than just your child's. If the adult puts the oxygen mask on their children first, it will take only few seconds for hypoxia to come over wherein episodes of confusion or passing out will happen. A child, especially smaller ones, will be of no help once you pass out. This is one very good reason why you must put on the mask first.

7. Always be prepared for the possibility of emergencies. Be aware of the procedures that can be appropriate for your child. First, ask the flight attendant if they have emergency equipments that are designed especially for children. Next, be familiar with the preflight briefing. Lastly, if your child has a condition that can be an issue, inform the attendant.

Generally, you have to plan ahead. Ask yourself what are the things that can help you and your child to be safe through hours of being suspended on air. It is your sole responsibility to take good care of your child by practicing these safety first tips when traveling.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Traveling can be in different forms.

Traveling can be in different forms. Either on land, air or sea, it is always mandatory to be safe at all times. Although another kind of traveling is now
rampant and is continuously happening inside your own home. It's journeying through the internet streets.
Unlike traveling outdoors wherein you have to go through a lot of twists and turns and is quite exhausting, traveling indoors by means of your internet connection can be a breeze. Perhaps this is the first time you would encounter this kind of experience or if not, probably your kids or younger siblings, whoever it is, there are certain precautions and safety tips especially for first timers traveling
through the Internet.

Interacting with people via the Internet can be risky and dangerous. Indeed, a lot of Internet users, even experienced ones, get molested, abused or fooled just
by hanging out for about 15 minutes, talking to a stranger. Others can even get robbed because they were too honest and trustful of their identity that they
are giving it all out. If you are just new, you can pick up some ideas on how to avoid this kind of predicament.

The secret when dealing with strangers through the Internet and making sure that you are safe every step of the way is through proper communication and keen observation. How? Pay attention:

When someone asks you things that are quite personal, like information about your real name or address, be alert. Never give out something as important as your
home phone number, age, name of friends, and most especially, your family income. Not unless you know this person by heart, never spill out anything this valuable. You may put the lives of your family, friends and even yourself in danger.

If a certain company or a representative from a firm or agency tells you beautiful things on how to earn big, big bucks in just a couple of minutes or tells you that you can cultivate massive income in not less than a week, such an exaggeration can put you at risk.
It can spell out catastrophe. Never give into their sweet words, that in the end, will entice you to give out something as important as your credit card number.
This can turn out to be a scam and wipe out everything in your account. Before trusting anything, ask. Ask for the person's or the company's credibility, status
and standing in the business that is being related.

Passwords are keys to another world and opens something personal or top secret. Never give this out nor share it even with your closest friends.

If you have met someone through online chatting, you have to be sure of the person's identity and how far can he or she be trusted before meeting in person.
Hope this doesn't burst your bubble but there are syndicates roaming around the Internet waiting for their next victim so be very careful. If in doubt, you
can ask someone to accompany you or meet somewhere public.

Treat the person whom you are talking to with respect even if the person's not giving it back. Never try to send bad messages or use explicit or mean languages.

You have to be wary of strangers because not all have bad intentions. Others can be decent and are properly behaved.
Just to be sure, always apply safety first when traveling trough the Internet.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Riding a taxi can generally be safe.

It's safer than journeying through the subway, at least. But, there are things, bad things that can happen when riding a foreign taxi. There have been reports of kidnapping by taxi drivers in which you have to be aware of. before
boarding any kind of vehicle, consider your safety first and then be alert of your surroundings when traveling especially when you're alone.

Tip # 1 - Locate a taxi stand.

If you just came out of the airport, you can easily find taxi stands around and near the area. It would be a bit similar to what you have in your country. You
just have to notice the congregating taxis under a sign that you can't read and that would probably be it. If unsure, ask a police person. In general terms,
only cabs that are authorized by the government to board passengers are the ones that can park under these stands. This also means that the taxi driver is licensed. Never let drivers that are aggressive to win you over. They might have another intention than bringing you to your destination.

Tip # 2 - Know something about the place where you're heading.

You should have even the slightest idea regarding your destination. If necessary, try to avoid shortcuts because this can confuse your memory and lead to another street that you are unfamiliar with. Notice If you're heading south and the taxi is going north, be determined to ask or otherwise make the cab stop for if not, juts jump out of your seat and ask for help.

Tip # 3 - Observe for cab similarities.

Look at the color of the taxi. Is it he same with others? Do they have certain similarities that can assure you of some firm evidence that the cab is really safe? You can never trust a taxi that seems different from the others because in some places, thieves use fake cabs to get your money or sometimes, more.

Tip # 4 - Keep your belongings close.

If you're traveling alone and your are carrying a really big and heavy luggage, sit beside it. Keep it very close to you. Otherwise if it's in the trunk, it will be very difficult for you to pull it out if in case anything bad happens.

Tip # 5 - Note phone numbers.

Taxi companies love advertising. That is why, legitimate taxis are the ones with plastered company numbers either on the trunk, doors and roofs. Never get into a taxi that doesn't have the company's phone number on its interior or exterior surface.

Tip # 6 - Sharing alert.

Sharing your cab with someone can minimize your consumption and impose some kind of safety within you. Although, you should try to say "No." if your taxi driver wanted someone to share with you no matter how peaceful the stranger looks - especially in foreign countries. You could end up being kidnapped because the peaceful-faced stranger is wearing a mask and is actually a monster.

Tip # 7 - Get a hold of the door handle.

Don't ride a taxi when the door handle inside it is malfunctioning or is broken. It would be very difficult for you to escape a predicament with a busted cab door.

If in case all of these tips fail, always have an emergency line where you can call local officials. It is always a remark to put safety first when traveling especially in foreign countries.

Where do you like to go in vacation ?