Tuesday, August 31, 2010

When traveling abroad, it is very important to know some safety tips.

 However, the country of destination plays a significant role in ensuring the safety of travelers, specifically the area where you're planning to visit. Safety first when traveling abroad is always the priority of travelers.

If you're a frequent traveler, perhaps you're already familiar with some safety tips. To start it off, never wander alone even on the streets. It would help a lot if you have a companion whenever you tour the place.
Try to avoid visiting unfamiliar places alone. As always, you must not attract the attention of
unscrupulous individuals and you should always stay in a place where there are a lot of people. If you're staying at the hotel, their personnel can advice you in the best places that you can visit, as well as the places that you should avoid.

Other travelers keep their money and valuables in the hotel safe. It is not advisable to bring a huge amount of cash when traveling because you will be a 'hot' sight for criminals. But there are travelers, who prefer to carry huge money with them so that in case there are muggers, they can get away safely since they satisfied the needs of the muggers.

Here are still some helpful safety tips that you can use when traveling abroad:

1. Always carry your wallet with you. You don't have to expose it so that other people can see but just keep it in your pocket. If you encounter a mugger who ask for your wallet, don't hesitate to give your wallet. Just think of it this way - your wallet will
save your life. Don't wait until the mugger exercise violence.

2. As mentioned earlier, you need to bring your wallet. However, you have to make sure that you don't leave personal details in it like address, contact numbers, and other essential information. If you want to get back at the mugger or robbers, you can leave false details. You can bring as much as $50 and a credit card for your personal use. You see, you're
never too sure when an accident will happen. Just incase your wallet is robbed, you can cancel the credit card as soon as possible.

3. Keep your cellular phone. This stuff is valuable and so don't go displaying it on the streets. You will be more prone to snatchers and robbers when they see an expensive mobile phone in your hands.

4. If possible, don't carry stuff like laptops even if you're on a business trip. You can just keep the necessary files in the memory of your USB flash disk.
You can just use the hardware of the company that you're going to visit.

5. As much as possible, have your stuff insured such as the phone, wallet, Mp3 players, and other important things.

These devious individuals are often encountered by travelers. 90% of all the traveler's offences comprise robbery or mugging. These individuals will often run away with your wallet and other valuables especially if they see a couple of dollars. Besides, your life is far more important than your wallet and valuables, right? You can still earn that money as long as you're
safe and sound.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Traveling to places that you are not familiar with can be quite scary.

And, to heighten your anxiety, there are many instances where incidents happen, such as robbery, murder and even rape. In most cases, tourists are always the target because they basically don't know how to act and prepare in such a strange place. If you plan on traveling to other parts of the world and really enjoy your trip, then you have to remember that safety should always be first when traveling.

So, here are some tips that can help you enjoy your trip more and also increase your safety.

The first is that you should never list your home address in your luggage tag. If you are on business,
try using the company's address and if you are visiting friends in the area, you can try putting your address instead. Also, in order to avoid letting people know where you live, try covering the luggage tags.

The second thing that you should do is that you should always stay with your luggage whenever it is checked.
You have to consider the fact that most robberies happen during this time. If you get tired and you need
to put the bag down on the floor to let your arms and hands rest, always step on the handle of the bag.

A small lock on the zipper also helps prevent robbery. In fact, even a small lock that can be easily pried
open will discourage thieves from even thinking about robbing from you.

It is very important that you should always carry important documents and papers with you, such as your
passport, driver's license and everything that you cannot afford to lose while traveling. Never leave
these things in your luggage that needs to be checked in. And, if you can, photocopy your important documents.

When traveling, always bring a handy flashlight. You'll never really know when you will suddenly be in
a situation where you will need a flashlight. During the night, even in the hotel, always keep your
flashlight beside you whenever you get some sleep.

If you need to take medications, always remember that it should be labeled accurately and it should be
filled properly. Always ask your doctor to provide you with prescription as well as a document stating that
you need to take the medicines. You have to remember that there are certain prescription drugs that are
prohibited by some countries.

When you travel, you should never draw any attention from other people. This means that you shouldn't wear
anything shiny, such as gold jewelry, expensive watches, rings and other things that projects affluence. And, if you can, try leaving your jewelry at home, especially if you are not really going to use it when traveling.

Never accept drinks from someone you don't know, especially women. And, always keep your eye on your
drink at all times. You have to remember that in some countries, certain women are raped and murdered
because of drinking drugged beverages.

If you need to get local currency, never ever deal with exchangers that don't seem reputable. Try asking
the hotel staff or the information desk on the hotel on where to find a reputable money changer shop.

These are some of the tips that you should remember when traveling. Always remember that when traveling,
safety first should always be on top of your priorities.

You can find a lot of safety tips online and in offline resources .

Traveling is among the most common activities of people, whether it is for pleasure or
for business. Frequent travelers are no longer ignorant to these safety tips because they make use of them whenever they are on a foreign place. If you want to make the most of your trip, safety first when traveling is of utmost importance.

Here are some of the things that you can do to ensure your safety:

1. When traveling, it's but natural for you to carry luggage. If you need to place luggage tags, just put your email address and never indicate there your name, phone number, and home address.

2. Air traveling is already part when going abroad or to a far place. You can see in the news that there are terrorists who sometimes highjack planes. One effective shield that you can use against an attacker (if there is trouble on the plane) is the seat straps. You have to use all your strength in ramming the strap on the attacker's face. This move will cut off the attacker's vision and once this happens, you can kick that individual in the groin or in any other sensitive body part. Knock that person until unconscious.

3. Don't forget to bring a handy flashlight and batteries. You can use it if there is no light or you can even use it against an attacker when needed.

4. Don't forget to carry wallets. If you want, you can take two wallets with you. One wallet can contain some non-important items and a few cash while the other wallet should contain your important IDs, insurance cards, cash, and emergency contacts. Keep the wallets in separate places. For instance, the insignificant wallet can be placed in your pant's back pocket and
the important wallet should be in your coat's front pocket.

5. When eating in foreign restaurants, you must acquaint yourself with the place's layout. Take note of the front and exit doors.

6. Charge your mobile phone at the hotel. When you leave, bring it with you and other gadgets that can be easily carried. You can even use these gadgets in case of emergencies.

7. Never travel alone. Through there are some travelers who do this every time they travel, you
shouldn't take the chance. Who knows, perhaps they are just lucky but you'll never know what's going to happen in the next few hours. Always be prepared. Remember that devious individuals are just waiting to see a helpless traveler, alone and so vulnerable.

8. You must be mentally alert at all times. Observe the people around you, how they move or look at you. Somehow, you will feel uneasy if something's going to happen.

9. Before you travel to a foreign place, it would be best to make a hotel reservation. That way, you don't have to ask for directions in trying to locate a certain hotel.

10. Don't travel with so many luggage unless when needed. Try to wear comfortable clothes and don't wear something that might attract the attention of bad people. Be simple as you are. For women, avoid wearing high-heeled shoes when traveling.

These are just ten safety measures that you can follow every time you travel abroad or even locally. If you follow them, you can ensure your safety.

Generally, there area lot of women travelers who get stuck in being confused on what to do when traveling alone.

Women, being more of the vulnerable type, would think that it can be quite scary embarking through stranger's land where everyone knows that you are a new comer. Women, don't fret. Here are some tips to guide you make it through safe traveling. With these safety first advices for traveling women, you can ease out your concerns.

Advice number 1 - Always consider what to wear.

Your attire can accurately tell who you are and what lies beneath that bag of yours. Every place is different but nothing beats simplicity. if you are going in East side countries wherein most places are still "developing", it is not wise to wear signature clothes or branded shoes. This will not only make some kind of commotion but also attract the eyes of prowling thieves. In addition, other countries are reprimanding the wearing of revealing clothes. How do you go about this? Dress simply. Dress what locals will dress. If necessary, buy clothes that you often
see them wear.

Advice number 2 - Stay away from suspicious strangers.

Remember, you are in a foreign country wherein people can't even understand a single word you're saying. That is why, it is better to stay away from suspicious looking people. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt.

There is a perception that because women are weaker than men in terms of muscle strength, they are more vulnerable to get mobbed helplessly. You can choose to stay in parts of the town where it is considered safe but then again you will be defeating the main reason why you're traveling. You'll miss all the fun of being a traveler. Or you could do the following:

* Be watchful of the people around you. Call it paranoia but better safe than sorry. Stay alert especially in crowded areas because some thieves would prefer to do their thing amongst a number of people.

* Take the jewelries off. It is not advisable to strut your way through the busy streets of a foreign place showing off your most priced jewelry. It's like saying, "Come and get me."

* Carry a light and if necessary, a weapon for protection. A heavy flashlight can be can be very
useful when you came home late or you're passing through a dark alley.

* Hide it under your undies. Yes, it can be quite uncomfortable but it would be one of the safest places to stash your money. If you're wearing shoes, you can hide it underneath or inside your socks or stockings.

Advice number 3 - Bring your medicines.

If traveling makes you sick, better have something to prevent occurrences to happen. If you have asthma, hypertension or any kind of illness that can strike you anywhere, always have a solution to it - bring your prescribed medicines. Never reach a point where you have to stop everything or be rerouted just to get you to the nearest hospital.

Equipped with these advices, you'll be safer and be much more confident. You can feel more relaxed to go on a journey. Always be aware of your surroundings and pay attention to odd people. Following these safety
first advices when traveling through different lands, as a woman, can get you home in one piece safe and sound.

It is always a great experience to go to different counties.

It is always a great experience to go to different
counties. You will be able to experience different
cultures, and you will also have the chance to take a
look at some of the most beautiful sights in the
world. However, you should always remember that you
always have to think that safety first when traveling
should be your top priority.

Wherever you plan on going, it is important to
remember that your and your traveling companion's
safety should always be first. Besides, if an incident
would occur, it will definitely make the rest of the
holiday miserable.

Planning holidays or travels is not just about
planning which places you should visit, but it is also
about being prepared for things that may occur. So,
here are some travel safety tips that you should
always keep in your mind in order for you to have a
more enjoyable and safer vacation.

Transportation is the first thing that you should plan
ahead on. You need to remember that even when you are
still in your own country, airports and bus stations
are notorious for pickpockets and robberies. Always
remember that you should always keep your important
travel items with you at all times.

Have your luggage clearly marked in order to avoid
letting someone take it by accident thinking that it's
his or her luggage. Also, instead of using cheap
luggage, always go for quality pieces and well-known
and reputable brands. By doing so, you will never
worry about your luggage breaking or suddenly
springing open in the middle of the airport terminal.

When you arrive in your destination country, always
ask which taxis are safe to ride in. You can check
this with a police officer or from the information
desk at the airport. Also, never share taxis with
stranger. And, when it comes to public transportation,
avoid it late at night, especially if you are not sure
where you are going.

Also, although backpackers will recommend hitchhiking,
you should avoid doing this as much as possible.

Whenever you are checking in to hotels, make sure that
the hotel you checked-in is located in a good area.
Always take not of the emergency exits and never open
your hotel room door to any strangers and never invite
people you just have met in your hotel room. Also, use
the hotel room door lock and chain during the night.

Clothing is another thing that you should plan on to
have a safe trip. The key to traveling safety is by
never looking like a tourist. Always mix with the
public in terms of style. Never ever wear any
expensive accessories, such as gold necklaces,
expensive watches, rings, and other affluent items.
Never put anything that you can afford to lose in your
pockets or purse. If you can, try buying a small bag
that you can wear close to your body. A small bag the
size of a wallet that can be worn as a necklace is a
great idea. A belt bag can also provide you with
security amd peace of mind.

Avoid using cash at all times. As much as possible,
always use your credit card. And, when it is time for
you to pay, never leave your eyes on your credit card.
Accompany the waiter to the cashier when paying with a
credit card to make sure that your card doesn't get
swiped with a credit card copier.

Remember these things and you can be sure that you
will have a lot of fun on your travels. By keeping
safety on your first priority when traveling, you can
be sure that you and your travel companions will have
a great time during your vacation or your holiday
wherever it may be.

Where do you like to go in vacation ?